Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011

Sonntag, 23. Januar 2011

she`s with us

Das Schnuckelchen mit Ich-weiß-nicht-so-genau-Blick :)


Die kleine Diebin klaut erst einmal meine Objektivkappe :-*

Freitag, 14. Januar 2011

Dear Parents.
Jasmine was in a relationship with a dirty homeless boy named Aladdin. Snow White lived alone with 7 men. Pinnochio was a liar. Robin Hood was a thief. Tarzan walked around without clothes on. A stranger kissed sleeping beauty and she married him. Cinderella lied and snuck out at night to attend a party. You can't blame us. We were taught to rebel since a young age.

Samstag, 8. Januar 2011

The newest addition to our Family :)

Laika is a six weeks old Samoyed puppy and will join our family in about two weeks.

Her full name is Precious Princess Balaika Dream From Russia.

Stay tuned for more pictures of this bundle of joy.

Dienstag, 4. Januar 2011

Tell him you`re REALLY going to try.

... and yes, it definitely is time to feel really sorry for yourself
and tell everyone life treats you incredibly bad.
IMO your never-ending self-pity is an extreme form of egocentrism
Get yourself some resource-oriented psychotherapy.

Montag, 3. Januar 2011

JB loves ...

dieses Bilderbuch ...

Warum die Liebe blind ist

und Hand in Hand

mit dem Wahnsinn geht

von Aylin Yavuz.

Ich habs als Geburtstagsgeschenk vom einem meiner Lieblingsmenschen bekommen und konnte es kaum aus der Hand legen. Die Graphiken sind schön gemacht, die Geschichte ist melancholisch-toll und lässt einen schmunzeln. Ein super Mitbringsel für jeden, der schonmal verliebt war ;)

Sonntag, 2. Januar 2011

mem`ries ...


Memories may be beautiful,

and yet, what's too painful to remember

we simply choose to forget.
